Subs and Gift Aid

The subscription for members of all sections is £40 per term.

All subscriptions are eligible for Gift Aid. Recovering income tax on subscriptions that are paid by Gift Aid increases the Group income by £30.00 per head per annum.

As soon as your child is invested, the Subscription Secretary will contact you requesting the first term’s subscription and asking you to sign the Gift Aid declaration. This should be completed as soon as possible and returned.

Breakdown of how subs is used. £5 of every member’s annual subscription is sent to the District (Maidenhead & District Scouts). A further £16.80 is sent to County (Royal Berkshire Scouts) and £37.50 is sent to National Scout HQ. The balance is spent on running costs such as heating, lighting and repairing the hall, repairing and replacing equipment, purchasing supplies for activities (ingredients for cooking, materials for craft, etc), and camps.

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How to get involved

Register interest in volunteering or join our youth programme